Saturday, October 3, 2009

Minor Update

Since the 'incident' (which hereto for is how we will refer to the motorbike occurance) we haven't done much. We sat on the beach for about 6 hours yesterday, got tan, ate food, and have visited the clinc once per day to get re-bandaged. Today, since we're leaving the city, they were nice enough to give us brand new unopened bottles of some cleaning stuff, cotton, and bandages so we can do ourselves up. They charged us, but it was just under $3 so no problem. I'm also happy to say that despite the ungodly humidity, we're both healing up well. Today we head to Dalat... the city itself is at around 5,000ft of elevation, so the cool, dry mountain air will probably help even more. That's all for now.


  1. Glad to hear you're doing better... so I'm trying to following you on Google earth. Looks like maybe 150 miles to Dalat from Saigon. Funny enough, I typed it in and it put me right in the middle of a nice golf course next to a lake! Not exactly how I think of Vietnam. Sounds/looks beautiful. -- DAD

  2. Vietnam was once a french colony (not so long ago) and DaLat was where the French came to vacation. It's the fanciest area in Vietnam, hence the golf course lol. We are staying about half a mile from where that lake, close to the city center.

  3. Vietnam is a place Tim would really like to see. One of the few places he hasn't been. See any brown(ups). Not sure they are there yet. Love to see some pic's. Christy
