Sunday, October 4, 2009

From Palms to Pines....

We made it to Da Lat! I have no idea how, as it was the most terrifying bus ride I've ever been on. We expected Vietnam to be rolling hills, but no, there is some serious elevation here. We also expected a 3 hour bus ride which turned out to be over 6. Six hours of winding up narrow mountain roads in a huge bus, precariously close to the edge (I saw one vehicle down there), often with other huge buses coming towards us. We kept thinking we must be close, because we were reaching the tops of the peaks, but then we would cross the pass and drive up higher peaks! I'm not sure what the elevation here is but will try to find out today. So far we LOVE Da Lat! The weather is beautiful, crisp and a little cool (probably like the weather you have in Missouri about now). We found an incredible hotel, $7/night for a private room with hot water, television, free internet access, and it's very clean. And the room is pink and white :) We think we might stay here 4 nights since we both slept the best we have since we got here last night. Today we plan to just explore Da Lat, and tomorrow possibly tour outside of town a bit, as there are supposed to be pretty waterfalls and lakes. We are both very happy with where we are right now!

Funny side note--the other day at the health clinic the nurse told me she thought I was Vietnamese when I first walked in! So apparently I really can blend in anywhere. At the same time another clinic worker slowly approached Jason's hair and gently pulled a curl and watched it spring back. He looked absolutely amazed, and told Jason his hair was "pretty and beautiful." He definitely will not be mistaken for Vietnamese.

Since we have free internet for a few days I imagine we'll be on here fairly regularly, so look for updates! This town is supposed to be very kitschy so hopefully we can get some fun pictures.


  1. Guys, talked to your Dad last night, Shelly, you might while in Vietnam want to stop off at Vung Tau on the East Coast, it was where the French had set up housekeeping (Plantations, Private schools for their girls) an all together different culture than the rest of Vietnam. Even with the changes since I was there the structures should still be there. Do not go out of your way, but if you can fit it in to your schedule; it might be interesting. I have enjoyed living this adventure throught you two.

  2. See, it is just to hard to resist your hair Jason! Well, I am glad you both are ok. Just gives you scars, with a story to tell. It sounds like there are some awesome locals. Hope you are having a wonderful time.
    Michelle Morin

  3. it sounds beautiful! that bus ride would of freaked me out too! I was just thinking the other day, with your dark hair and eyes, you will fit in! Jason is a novelty to them huh? cute!


  4. Hi! Your bus ride sounds about as fun as riding up Pikes Peak, remember Jason? I'm sure the cooler temps feel great now that you are up higher the mountains. Are you guys back to normal now? Any lingering injuries? I hope you are having a wonderful time together. Miss you both!

    Love, Mom (Kelli)

  5. Hurry up and post something, ive been waaaiitting. Reading your blogs is like reading a good book, minus all the boring parts(i hate books)! Your injury pictures made me feel ill, and i couldnt stop laughing at the comment about jasons hair :)
    Pictures are beautiful, hope your having safe!
    Love, Maddie, Carter, & Lilly.

  6. Jason's hair is pretty and beautiful! lol
