Sunday, December 20, 2009

Up and Away

Wow, feels like it's been a really long time since I updated this thing! Since the last post, we haven't really moved much... we've simply been exploring Bangkok... and we love it! We both agree that it's one of the coolest cities we've been too, and neither of us would have a problem living here if we needed to for one reason or another. It' s huge... we didn't even realize how huge until we got here. For comparison, New York City comes in at about 8.3 million people right now.... Bangkok comes in at 8.1, so they're very similar. We've covered quite a bit of ground here, using taxis, tuk-tuks, buses, minivans, and the famous Skytrain (think the subways of London, but above ground).

Probably the most eventful thing we've done lately is Christmas shopping. Shopping in Bangkok is a thing to experience. We started by going to "The Mother of All Markets". It's a market that's only open 2 days a week, and it's 15,000 stalls of everything you can imagine. Over 200k people visit it per day, and you can absolutely get lost walking around it. They sell everything from food to clothes to antiques to electronics (real, stolen, and fake). We got most of our shopping done there, for budget reasons. After that, we headed to the Siam Square, which is the most impressive mall complex I've ever seen. It's divided into 3 separates malls, each between 5-8 floors with bridges crossing in between over the streets. Ice Skating, a massive aquarium and restaurants are everywhere, and Lamborghini, Porche, Bentley, Audi, Lotus, and Maserati all have showrooms filled with ultra-expensive cars. Anyway, cool stuff.

In 2 days we are heading to Myanmar! We don't really know what it will be like, and are very anxious to find out. We've read that cell phone access doesn't exist, and that internet access can be hard to come by. What's more, being in that it's an oppressive military government, internet access is extremely monitored. Some basic websites such as Hotmail are often blocked, so if we don't update anything for awhile don't be surprised!

Oh, and we haven't seen a drop of rain since Nov. 16th. The dry season here is DRY.

Since we are back in Thailand make sure you check the Thailand link on the right side for new pictures, all of the ones we took in Bangkok are posted!

That's probably about all for now. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys! I was ssooo sad i missed your call! i was at work :( imagine that. Really good to hear from you tho bubba! love you both, hope your having an amazing time! Have a wonderful christmas!
