Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Up to date!

Since arriving in Thailand we've had a nice, relaxing time. We've been to multiple open-air markets, spent many hours at our hotel pool, walked a ton of the town, took an all day cooking class, and even watched the Broncos get stomped by the Steelers on Monday Night Football (Tuesday Morning Football for us). We'll be sad to leave, but we'll probably be heading to Bangkok within the next few days in order to get an advance visa for Myanmar, and then heading to Cambodia for a few weeks.

The reason for the post, however, is that I wanted to tell everyone that the blog should be up to date for the first time in weeks. Every picture we have taken has been uploaded- there are quite a few more from Laos and now a lot in Thailand. As you may notice, the blog format has been updated as well, with a rough itinerary and a map of our travels that I'll try to keep updated as we move.

Thanks for reading!

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